In this lab you will create a workflow using RNA logic action blocks.
The workflow will query the SevOne API looking for a particular device.
You will use the _ForEach_ action block to iterate through the devices, looking for a matching device.
You will use the _If_ action block to test whether the current ForEach item is a match.
If found, the device name will be printed out in the log viewer.
Let’s find which device in SevOne has IP
[1] Create an authentication to connect to the SevOne NMS
- Protocol: http://
- IP:
- User: admin
- Password: _your password here_
[2] Create a new workflow
- Add building block SevOne -> REST v3 -> Metadata -> Metadata Devices (POST)
- Change authentication to the one created above
- Add a ForEach loop
- List: $SevOne_1.result.devices <- if you have changed the name of the building block, please use
the current name for the variable
4. Inside the loop, add a IF building block
- Condition: $ForEach_1.item.ip == ""
- Inside the TRUE branch of the IF add a new building block Common -> Assign
- Variable: $result
- Value: $ForEach_1.item.name
- At the end of the workflow there is an Assign building block with $result = 'Hello World', please delete it
- Save and Run the workflow
[3] View the result
- result : “NMS”